Acupressure treatment What is color therapy

What is color therapy

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Color therapy is an alternative therapy that uses colors and their frequencies to heal physical and emotional problems.Color therapy is also known as chromopathy, chromotherapy, or color healing. Chromotherapy is a method of treatment that uses the visible spectrum (colors) of electromagnetic radiation to cure diseases. Simply put, colour is just light of varying wavelengths and frequencies. Electromagnetic waves constantly surround us, and colour is part of those waves. Every single cell in the body needs light energy. Our cells absorb colour, and this affects us on every level, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Each colour has a different frequency, thereby having a different effect on the body when exposed. It is thought that the famous colours of the rainbow, red, yellow, green, blue, orange, violet and indigo resonate with the main energy centres of the body.

History of color therapy

History of color therapy is as old as human kind itself. Human was born with colors like black hair, red lips, bright eyes, pink cheeks. Different races may have got different colors, but mother nature confirms to uniformity. The green grass, blue sky with different shades and crystal clear water as well the red orange sun and the cool calming white color of moon. The mother nature offered same color spectrum to all.

With the passage of time the primitive man began to understand over exposure to the red sun burns. That human also got it that white moon soothes, what has been burnt by the red sun.

This was the begining to understand the color spectrum, latter more analysis must had led to the classification of different colors according to their effects

With the time this become a science, the science of colors. Which refined, rectified and confired by different human races over the time.

What Is Color Therapy Used For?

The goal of color therapy is to correct physiological and psychological imbalances. For instance, if you're stressed, color therapy can help soothe you so that you can regain your psychological balance. If you're depressed, color therapy can be used to invigorate you and give you increased energy.

Should you go for color therap

Color therapy may be helpful to you, and it may not. It's hard to say at this point. When deciding whether to have color therapy or apply it to yourself, consider these questions:

  • Am I willing to try something that isn't yet proven?
  • How much am I affected by colors in my environment? (Color more influences some people than others.)
  • Do I know enough about color therapy to try it for myself?
  • Would another type of therapy address my situation more effectively?

No matter what your mental condition, there is a therapy that's right for you. The good news is that you don't have to know when you first seek help. You can talk to a counselor at right away. If you find you want a different type of therapy, you can request that your therapist use other methods that make more sense to you. Or, you can change to a different therapist whenever you choose.

Color therapy is proposed as a method of physical and emotional healing. Whether you choose to pursue color therapy or some other, science-backed therapy, the most important thing you can do is talk to a counselor to set your course for mental health and happiness.

How color therapy works?

Colour Therapy uses the energy relating to each of the seven spectrum colours of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

Each of the spectrum colours is simply light of varying wavelengths, thus each colour has its own particular energy. These energies resonate with the energy of each of the seven main chakras/energy centres of the body. If you imagine the chakras as a set of cogs/wheels,(the word chakra is Sanskrit for wheel), they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog/wheel needs to move smoothly for the clock/engine to work properly.

Thus good health and wellbeing is achieved by a balance of all these energies. Balance of the energy in each of the body’s chakras is very important for health and wellbeing. Colour therapy can help to re-balance and/or stimulate these energies by applying the appropriate colour to the body and therefore re-balance our chakras.

Colour is absorbed by the eyes, skin, skull and our ‘magnetic energy field’ or aura. Colour energy affects us on all levels, that is to say, physical, spiritual and emotional. Every cell in the body needs light energy - thus colour energy has widespread effects on the whole body. There are many different ways of giving colour, including; Solarized Water, Light boxes/lamps with colour filters, colour silks and hands on healing using colour.

The Chakra Rainbow of Color Therapy

It is widely believed that we have seven main energy centres. These are referred to as chakras. The sanskrit word meaning wheel or disk, and is thought of as a set of cogs like the workings of a clock. The chakras surround major nerve bundles and organs.

Red relates to the base chakra, orange the sacral chakra, yellow the solar plexus chakra, green the heart chakra, blue the throat chakra, indigo the brow chakra (sometimes referred to as the third eye) and violet relates to the crown chakra.

Psychological Effects Of Different Colors

Colors affect our mental processes and can change our mood. Each color has a different effect, so different colors are used for different mental conditions and mood problems. The following list describes how each of the main colors used in color therapy affects us and what they can do for you.

Green is the most balancing of all the colors. Color therapists usually consider green the safest color and typically start color therapy with it. When you're feeling sad, hopeless, or depressed, green can improve your mood. However, it's important to have a pure green color, as a light green can cause you to tip into anxiety.

Green is said to enhance the emotions of love, joy, and inner peace. It can bring you hope, strength, and serenity. Green is said to increase your wisdom and facilitate change and independence.

Blue is a color that must be used with extra care, as it can zap your energy if you're feeling low. Blue does help you express your feelings, though, and is related to your inner truth. Blue is a cold color that can be used to help you become more peaceful and relaxed. Primary blue is often used in therapy settings used for meditation and relaxation.
Blue can also be associated with wisdom, creativity, loyalty, and spirituality. Too much blue or blue that is too dark can lead to sadness, depression, and a feeling of emptiness. Light blue promotes serenity. It can also be used to help with insomnia.

Yellow can be used in color therapy to bring energy and encourage action. This color can make you feel happier. It can bring out your intelligence and wisdom. Too much or too-bright yellows are associated with betrayal, cruelty, and deceit. It can remind us of our mortality. Yellow is the most intense color in the spectrum.

Orange signifies abundance, pleasure, well-being, and sexuality. Orange may be used to stimulate different organs in the body for physical healing. It revitalizes you and gives you increased mental energy. It can increase your feeling of connectedness between your mind and body. However, color therapists usually avoid this color for you if you're prone to anxiety.

Red is even more stimulating than orange. It influences emotional issues like financial independence and physical survival. It's mostly used for physical healing because its emotional effects can be extreme. Color therapists avoid shining red on your head, as this can cause intense agitation. Infrared can also be used by a skilled color therapist if done so with caution. Neither red nor infrared is used for someone who has severe mental conditions.

Purple is most strongly associated with beauty, spirituality, and bliss. In color therapy, violet is often used on the forehead and neck to initiate feelings of calm and relaxation. However, it's recommended for use anywhere on the body.

Applications of color therapy

Color Therapy or Color Healing is the use of color in various forms for the purpose of creating balance and health in the human system. The human system includes not only the physical body, but also the emotional, mental and spiritual aspects (PEMS). Working with the PEMS is referred to as wholistic medicine.Some of the forms of Color Therapy are:

Colorpuncture and Samassati Color Therapy use color light on meridians and acupoints, chakras, in the aura, and on various reflex zones. Just as needling (acupuncture) or applying pressure (acupressure and Shiatsu) to meridians and acupoints, color in the form of light, crystals, essential oils, etc., can also affect the electromagnetic circuitry of the human system.

Samassati Color Therapy is rooted in Colorpuncture using the techniques of Colorpuncture. The difference is that with Samassati Color Therapy, there is less emphasis on following the techniques by rote, and more about sensing the effects of specific colors, listening to one's intuition regarding color and placement, and feeling the effects of color with all the various energy pathways of the client. It's learning about Color and Light viscerally.

Crystal Healing or Crystal Therapy is the laying on of stones to restore balance to the chakra system and heal the physical body, emotions, mental thoughts and the spirit. Stones are placed based on color, quality, sacred geometry.

Color Silks Therapy is a form of Color Therapy uses colored silks on the body, primarily over the chakra centers. Also being natural fabrics, cotton and wool carry a healing vibration as well, but silk carries the highest frequency vibration of any natural cloth. Because of this, colored silks have the ability to radiate their signature color frequency to the physical body and energy field (aura).

The energy of silk is soft yet potent, allowing one to soak up the color frequency. One of the beauties of Color Silks Therapy is that you can place an entire sheet of color over the entire body, or place an single color on a particular part of the body. And the good news is, any type of silk is fine to use as long as it is 100% silk fabric.

Hydro Color Therapy also called Hydrochromo therapy, incorporates water and color, is a very effective way of transmitting color onto and into the physical body. Water is well known to be a powerful conductor of energy, so it is an natural choice for transmitting color energy into the body. Two of the ways color and water can be used are: Infusing color into filtered water via the sun for internal consumption, and color light with a shower or tub.

Bringing color energies into the body with filtered, color-charged water is a wonderful experience. All you need to do is find some colored glass bottles that are non-toxic. NEVER USE PLASTIC BOTTLES as they contain toxic substances that are released especially with heat. Fill the glass color bottle with pure filtered or distilled water and place the bottle in the sunlight for at least a day. Store in a cool place until you are ready to drink the water.

Drink some blue-charged water before going to bed to help relax the nerves and mental chatter. Feeling depressed and listless? Drink some red-charged water for energy and vitality. Yellow-charged water can help with detoxification. Turquoise-charged water is like swimming in a tropical paradise; it brings calm and playfulness. Orange-charged water has the ability to act as a aphrodisiac, stimulating our sexual desire. Violet-charged water is useful when we would like to calm the mind during meditation. While green-charged water is an overall harmonizer and balancer.

Color-infused water to soak inLED lights are now being widely used in bathtubs, showers, hot tubs, jacuzzis, swimming pools, etc. The color light is beamed into the water, which allows your body to take in the color energy through the skin. Very much like tonating color light on the skin with a color light instrument, water acts as an amplifier of the color energy completely saturating the body.

Colour to balance Yogic Chakras of the body

The energy relating to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras of the body.

If you can imagine the chakras/energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog /wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock/engine to work properly. Thus good health and well being is achieved by a balance of all these energies (or the smooth running of the cogs/wheels).Colour to balance the Chakras of the body

The energy relating to each of these spectrum colours resonates with the energy of each of the seven main chakras of the body.

If you can imagine the chakras/energy centres as a set of cogs/wheels, they are rather like the workings of a clock or an engine; each cog /wheel needs to move smoothly and at a similar speed for the clock/engine to work properly. Thus good health and well being is achieved by a balance of all these energies (or the smooth running of the cogs/wheels).

Colour therapy can help to re-balance these 'wheels' by applying the appropriate colour to the body and therefore re-balance our chakras. Listed below is each of the spectrum colours and the chakra which it relates to. Violet has the shortest wavelength and red the longest wavelength.

Colour therapy can help to re-balance these wheels by applying the appropriate colour to the body and therefore re-balance our chakras. Listed below is each of the spectrum colours and the chakra which it relates to. Violet has the shortest wavelength and red the longest wavelength.

  • We do not promote self medication.
  • All information is for reference only.
  • All alternative treatment is not replacement to medical treatment.
  • Consult your doctor before taking any type of health service.
  • We neither claim nor take any responsibility for any results you may have.

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